
English Language Arts

Professional Development — Creativity, Improvisation, Problem-based Learning

Title : Professional Development — Creativity, Improvisation, Problem-based Learning

Subject Area/ Grade: Teachers of Grades K-2 ELA including 12:1:1 K-2 class teachers ESlK-2 Teachers

K-12 teachers will work in teams to brainstorm, plan, reflect on creativity, improvisation and  problem-based learning and exchange visits following the project.


1. Teachers will have an understanding of creativity.
2. Teachers will have an understanding of improv in the classroom
3. Teachers will be able to implement PBL
4. Teachers will work in grade teams to develop lessons to support Creativity.

Content Area and Standards


Kindergarten NYS Next Gen Standards.
KR2: Retell stories or share key details from a text.) KR3: Identify characters, settings, major events in a story, or pieces of information in a text. KR8: Identify specific information to support ideas in a text.  KR9: Make connections between self, text, and the world. KW4: Create a response to a text, author, or personal experience (e.g., dramatization, artwork, or poem) KSL2: Participate in a conversation about features of diverse texts and formats. 

Grade 1
1R2: Identify a main topic or central idea in a text and retell important details.  1R3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, or pieces of information in a text. .1R9: Make connections between self and text (texts and other people/ world)1W4: Create a response to a text, author, theme or personal experience (e.g., poem, dramatization, artwork, or other). Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults (e.g., in small and large groups and during play). 1SL5: Create or utilize existing visual displays to support descriptions to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Grade 2
2R1: Develop and answer questions to demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and details in a text. (RI&RL) 2R2: Identify a main topic or central idea and retell key details in a text; summarize portions of a text. (RI&RL) 2R3: In literary texts, describe how characters respond to major events and challenges  2W4: Create a response to a text, author, theme or personal experience (e.g., poem, play, story, artwork, or other).2SL1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults in small and large groups and during play.2SL5: Include digital media and/or visual displays in presentations to clarify or support ideas, thoughts, and feelings.


During PLC teacher teams will participate in discussions, activities to learn with their peers, plan, and reflect. After watching videos ( Hector  Elizondo} and having discussions, teachers will have opportunities to practice various techniques: brainstorming, Improv; Acting; creating poems/songs, ) in response to selected text on their grade level. Teachers will implement PBL in their classrooms weekly and reflect wonderings/noticings. Coach will plan for Teacher Team intervisitations across K-2 to provide feedback and reflect.

Teachers will be asked to brainstorm what creativity means. Then we will watch the Joy2Learn video on creativity. Then teachers will add to their chart what creativity is.
1. Planning as a team
2. Brainstorming
3. Have teachers work on improv. Can pick scenes out of a bag.
4. Act out Vocabulary Taught
5. Guess my character by acting like the character and give clues to who the character is.
6. Have teachers create a rubric and/or checklist.
7. Teachers will create plans as teams.

Joy2Learn Artist Video that Supports the Project

Hector Elizondo, Cyrano De Bergerac, An Actor’s Tool

Art Forms that May Be Included

1. Improv
2. Acting
3. Art
4. Writing/Rap/poem/Persuasive/Narrative

Connections to Students Passion Areas and Interests

Teachers will give students a choice of activity, such as improv, acting, art, and music.

Materials Needed

Texts, videos, chart paper, markers, paper, pencils, crayons, markers


Teacher Teams K-2, SBL, Instructional Coach


1. Teacher created checklist
2. Rubric
3. Student Reflection/exit Ticket


5-6 weeks During PLC
Professional Learning communities take place on Mondays after school. 

Other Notes

Coach will create an intervisitation schedule. We will discuss grows and glows after each intervisitation and leave notes for the teacher. After reflecting on intervisitations, teachers will revise and edit their plans to meet the needs of their students.