Advisor to the Board
Barbara Treacy

Barbara Treacy is a nationally recognized leader in online and blended learning who works with states, districts, colleges and universities, and other educational organizations to enable them to build successful online and blended programs for educators and students. Treacy’s long history in the field includes teaching courses on online learning and educational technology at the Harvard Graduate School of Education as well as consultations with a wide range of organizations including iNACOL (International Council on K-12 Online Learning, now the Aurora Institute), the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, MassIT/Office of Digital Learning, NYC Leadership Academy, Alliance for Excellence in Education, Intel, Center for Collaborative Education, LearnLaunch, Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), Project Tomorrow, WestEd, and more.
Treacy is the former director of EdTech Leaders Online, Education Development Center’s award-winning capacity-building online learning program for educators which she led for 15 years, providing online courses, online instructor and course developer training, and implementation consulting for online programs for educators and students in more than 30 states.
Treacy has served as an advisor for numerous online educational initiatives including serving as the inaugural chair of the MA Digital Learning Advisory Council, as well as an advisor for the MIT’s Online Education Policy Initiative, the Harvard Chan School’s OSNAP Online Program, and as a core member of the National Standards for Quality Online Courses and Online Teaching initiatives.
Treacy is a graduate of Harvard College and holds a Masters Degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.