Patrick Crosby

Patrick Crosby has worked with not-for-profits organizations as an auditor, accountant and adviser since graduating from Villanova University with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Patrick is a certified public accountant.
He is senior manager of Crowe Horwarth LLP a not-for-profit and higher education audit practice in the New York Metropolitan area Crowe, which is the eight largest accounting firm in the United States. Patrick serves on the New York State Society of CPA’s not-for-profit advisory committee and teaches continuing professional education classes internally for Crowe Horwath LLP.
Patrick has volunteered each summer for the past fifteen years with the Appalachia Service Group of Guilford, CT helping them with their mission of improving the lives of the residents of Owsley County, KY by building homes, additions and porches in the community. He joined the board of joy2learn Foundation in 2014 and is focused on the professional development for teachers interested in joy2learn and increasing the use of joy2learn’s materials in classrooms.